Sorry that i havn't updated this site in a while. Well any way. with out futher adu. The new ep 3 is comming
out. This is spolier info so if you don't want spoiler info then leave this section alone.
Episode 3 is supposed to becoming out in 2005. The title is Star Wars Revenge of The Sith. Anakin
and Obi-wan have their legendary dual. They Fight and Anakin falls into a pit full of lava. They are fighting on a volcano.
Mace Windu does die. We have no idea how but we do know that he does. Yoda and Sidious have a dual and Yoda flees
to help obi-wan take the twins to safty. We don't know who is going to be the voice of the general. So far those are
just some updates to be added. i will be adding more in the upcoming months.